
Showing posts from 2011

Gaming Spotlight: Another disturbance in the force.

Weekly Wrap Up! (12/16/11)

Get ready soldiers. We've got another modern warfare on our hands.

Weekly Wrap Up! (12/9/11)

Weekly Wrap Up! (12/2/11)

Yeah, I'm dragon born. Jealous?

Weekly Wrap Up! (11/18/11)

Gaming Spotlight: Assassin's Creed Revelations

Modern Vlog-fare 3!

Gaming Spotlight...double up baby!

Weekly Wrap Up! (10/28/11)

Gaming Spotlight: Battlefield 3

Weekly Wrap Up! (10/21/11)

Holy Gaming Spotlight Batman!

Weekly Wrap Up! (10/14/11)

Gears of War 3: Let the imulsion fly!

Gaming Spotlight: Rage!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Let the augmenting begin!

Gaming Spotlight: Gears of War 3. Die Locust, die!

Skyrim demo footage!

Gaming Spotlight: X-Men Destiny. The choice is yours.

Let the games begin!

Gaming Spotlight: Resistance 3. So many Chimera!

What do you F3AR?

Gaming Spotlight: Dead Island. A zombie's paradise!

Gaming Spotlight: Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine

Heavily augmented baby!

Me likey open betas!

Gaming Spotlight: Batman Arkham City

It's okay. I'm a detective!