New Game Releases - April 2020

It's a new month a new games are arriving for our enjoyment. There are quite a few games releasing this month (especially towards the end of the month) that will fit pretty much everyone's gaming desires. There's horror, action, rpg, adventure, multiplayer, and more. Take a look at some of the games releasing in April and get excited to soak in more game time! Release dates and available platforms included. 

Resident Evil 3 - April 3 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

Final Fantasy VII Remake - April 10 (PS4)

Deliver Us The Moon - April 24 (Xbox One, PS4)

Predator: Hunting Grounds - April 24 (PS4, PC)

Trials of Mana - April 24 (PS4, PC, Switch)

Gears Tactics - April 28 (Xbox One, PC)


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