Weekly Wrap Up! (10/4/13)

- It was revealed that people who pre-order Destiny from participating retailers will receive access to the beta early next year. People who already pre-ordered Destiny a while ago will still get access to the beta from a code sent via e-mail.

- Sony shared that Killzone: Shadow Fall is a massive 50GB download file. So clear some space if you intend to download the game digitally!

- Sony confirmed that the indie hit Flower will be making its way onto the PS4. More details will be announced at a later date.

- Microsoft announced that October's two free games for Games With Gold are going to be Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes and Halo 3. Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes will be available for download from October 1st-15th, while Halo 3 will be available for download from October 16th-31st.

- The rumored cloud powered streaming service from Microsoft is supposedly called Rio. This service is rumored to be Microsoft's answer to allowing backwards compatibility with the Xbox One.

- Microsoft has said that the Xbox One day one patch will take about 15-20 minutes to download.

- Sony released the 4.50 firmware update for the PS3 this week. The update allows all users (not just PlayStation Plus members) the ability to set auto downloads for updates and PlayStation Store purchases. The update also allows the ability to transfer content from a PS3 to a PS Vita via Wi-Fi, and set who can view your trophies.  

- Nintendo released an update to the Wii U that will allow Wii games to be played/displayed on the GamePad. A Wii remote is still required to play the games on the GamePad though.

- Mad Catz revealed that they will be releasing Titanfall themed accessories (headsets, keyboards, mice) in time for the game's launch.

- Eidos Montreal announced Deus Ex: Universe, which will include a next gen Deus Ex game for the PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

- Insomniac Games announced that Ratchet & Clank: Nexus will release on the PS3 for $29.99 in North America on November 12th and on November 13th in Europe. It will be available both digitally and in stores. 

- Let's talk about Destiny again. Encase you missed it, a brand new gameplay trailer titled "The Moon" was released this week. Check it out!



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