Weekly Wrap Up! (10/18/13)
- Gearbox announced the Halloween themed DLC for Borderlands 2. The DLC is titled "Headhunter 1: TK Baha's Bloody Harvest" and will have players venturing off into the Pumpkin Kingpin's patch to claim his head. The DLC will be available on October 22nd on Xbox 360, PS3, Steam, and Mac for $2.99.
- DICE has said that they have been experimenting with different ways to use the PS4's DualShock 4 controller touch pad, but they haven't officially decided on what they will use. One example was flicking the touch pad to throw a grenade.
- DICE announced that the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 4 will have a 14GB download. While the download is optional, DICE says it will offer optimal performance.
- When asked in a recent interview, Microsoft's Phil Spencer stated that cross-play between the Xbox One and PC makes sense. While he stated he isn't allowed to leak information, he did say, "This connected ecosystem across all the different devices is definitely where I think the future of gaming is going."
- Microsoft confirmed that all Xbox One games will have dedicated servers.
- Microsoft has announced that they are continuing the Games With Gold promotion indefinitely on the Xbox 360. As of now there is no word on whether or not this will carry over to the Xbox One.
- Ubisoft announced that they are delaying Watch Dogs and The Crew. Watch Dogs is now expected to release sometime in the second quarter of 2014, while The Crew is expected to release sometime in the third quarter of 2014.
- BioWare stated that the new entry into the Mass Effect series will be a completely new story and will not center around Commander Shepard.
- Crytek's free-to-play PC shooter Warface will be open to the public on October 21st. Crytek also said Warface will be coming to the Xbox 360 in early 2014.
- Sony announced that they are starting to roll out pre-orders of PS4 games on the PlayStation store, starting with Knack and Warframe.
- Sony confirmed that Driveclub will be delayed until early 2014, but they are adding the games Resogun and Contrast to the PlayStation Plus free instant download collection at launch.
- The Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC game Project Spark will not require a gold subscription to play.
- Developer Naughty Dog said that they have no plans to port The Last of Us to the PS4.
- Hulu Plus is now available on the Nintendo 3DS.
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