Xbox One and PS4 pre-orders are selling out!

     Earlier this week Gamestop announced that they were no longer able to take pre-orders for the Playstation 4, but you can still pre-order the Day One Edition of the Xbox One. A day later, Best Buy announced that they are no longer taking pre-orders for the Xbox One. You can still pre-order the PS4 from Best Buy though. On top of that, Amazon just announced yesterday that the Day One Edition of the Xbox One is sold out, and of course the launch edition of the PS4 has been sold out for a while now. You can still pre-order standard editions of both consoles from Amazon, but you won't be guaranteed release day delivery.

     As of now both Target and Walmart are still taking pre-orders for both next gen systems on their website and also have bundle editions available. It doesn't matter if you're getting a Xbox One, PS4, or both. If you haven't gotten your pre-order in you should probably do so soon. Especially if you're wanting either console on launch day. It's clear to see that people are gearing up for the next gen gaming consoles. 


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