Weekly Wrap Up! (2/17/12)
- The release date for Journey has been announced. The Playstation downloadable title will be released on March 13th and will retail for $14.99. Check out videos of this game because the art style is very simplistic, yet beautiful.
- Blizzard has announced a World of Warcraft edition of Monopoly, and a Star Craft edition of Risk. The WoW Monopoly will be available in May for $39.95, while Star Craft Risk will be available this summer for $49.95.
- Why won't my game install?! Early adopters to the Playstation Vita in North America have has problems not being able to install downloaded games. Hopefully this will be fixed before the official North American release date (2/22).
- Rumors are floating around that a console version of Guild Wars 2 may be in the works. No official news or details have been released.
- Ubisoft has announced the official release date to Far Cry 3. The third game in the series (set back in the jungle) will release on September 4th in the U.S. and September 7th in the U.K.
- Do you love Assassin's Creed games? Well good! Ubisoft has confirmed that Assassin's Creed 3 will be released in October.
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