See you in the grid!

     For fans of the Tron universe (or Troniverse) just by reading the title of this blog sent tingles all over your body. The 1982 movie still remains a cult classic beloved by sci-fi fans and geeks everywhere. Disney released a new movie called Tron Legacy. If you haven't seen this movie yet please do yourself a favor and go see it. Simply put, it's awesome!

     However, I'm not here to rant about the Tron movies, but about the new Tron video game called Tron Evolution. As with many action/sci-fi movies comes a movie tie in game. Usually they suck majorly and we as gamers know this. So before I actually started playing the game I had some reservations about it. From the moment I put the game in for the first time, to the second I completed the campaign I have been pleasantly surprised with what I found.

     First off the story of Tron Evolution bridges the gap between the first movie and the new one. The story itself is pretty good and for fans of the series it's nice to find out what happened with Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) and the whole Tron universe itself. The graphics in the game are pretty cool. The character suits are very detailed and shiny. Every bit of environmental light reflects off the suit which makes it look even cooler. The environments themselves contain a lot of shades of blue, gray, and black. This coupled with tons of neon keeps in the theme though. The music in the game is very good and even includes some tracks from the Tron Legacy soundtrack. Side note, if you haven't bought this soundtrack do it now. It's by Daft Punk so you know you'll love it!

     The combat and character movement in the game is very much like Prince of Persia. You can wall run, hang onto ledges, and vault over obstacles. You use your trusty light disc as your weapon and can pull off very cool acrobatic and chained combos. There are four different disc types to unlock which are the bomb, corrosive, heavy, and stasis disc. You also get drive a light tank and the incredibly awesome light cycle. Sadly, the light cycle parts are mainly just getting from one place to another as you try not to get derezzed (killed) by recognizers. As you play the game you level up you character to what is called "versions." As you reach higher versions you will earn megabytes (credits) to purchase upgrades to your weapons, suit, and even new vehicles. This leveling works seamlessly with the multiplayer portion of the game. If you level up and upgrade while playing the single player you will keep everything and continue to progress when you play online multiplayer. This is such a cool concept and I hope more games with use this feature in the future.

     This leads me into my next part. I've put some decent time into the multiplayer and it is very frantic. All of the moves you can do in the campaign can be done online. During matches I could see players running along the walls and vaulting across platforms. As you can imagine this makes for some interesting and fun matches. There are your standard modes like deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, and king of the hill. Some maps let you use the light cycle which feels so satisfying when an opponent runs into your light streak! On a plus note all new copies of the game come with a code to download two extra maps and a "skin" so you can play as Sam Flynn. With this code there is a total of six maps. I have recently read that there is some dlc on the way which will add five new maps too. There is a lot of potential for some cool dlc to be made.

     I can say that Tron Evolution is not for everyone. If you're a fan of Tron you will find many things to enjoy. Even if you're not a fan or have never heard of Tron you can still have a good time. The game is not perfect at all. The combat can get a little repetitive and the entire single player campaign can last anywhere from 8-10 hours. Sadly it's also unsure how long the multiplayer community will last. In the end I have had a lot of fun playing this game. Be careful out there in the grid and try not to get derezzed program!

Final Verdict: 7.5/10

Written by: Alter Ego 83


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